How To Start Using A Journal Today To Manifest The Life You WANT

Here’s How To Start Using A Journal Today To Manifest The Life You WANT

In the realm of success it is well known that it’s very important to WRITE your goals down onto paper, instead of simply committing them to memory. If you’ve done this before with anything (not just goals) you will find that writing things down is a way to make them actually happen. This is sometimes called “manifesting” .

Here’s what I mean.

I was going through one of my old journals and there was an entry that stated that I need a muse. I felt like I had a lack of feminine energy in my life.

I wrote that entry on the 13th of October, 2018. Then by the 15th of October, 2018 I had found my muse, a girl from my work started to really take a liking to me and I asked her out, she agreed.

She became my muse for about 3 or so months.

This is the power that your journal contains, you can quite literally manifest the life and things that you want inside of it just by writing it down.

Here’s another example.

About 3-4 years ago, I wrote in my journal what I wanted in my life and what my desires were, this was a sort of list listing exactly what it is I wanted from material things, to spirituality, relationships, etc.

I found that notebook a few days ago, thumbed through it and came to that page.

It was SHOCKING how much of the stuff I had listed down, I actually accomplished. Nearly half the list was complete and even though I had completely forgotten about it, somehow the things I wrote down stuck deep into my conscious and I was able to make them a reality.

Manifesting WORKS and here’s how we are going to begin manifesting your dreams into your life.

To start, I want you to grab a piece of paper (you don’t need a journal yet. We want to focus on taking action first.) Grab that piece of paper and write down your vision and goals.

Go crazy with this.

It is often said that the problem most people have is not that they don’t have goals, it’s that they make them too small.

Let this be your playground.

Write EXACTLY what you desire out of life. Write down that fancy car you want, or four. Write how you want your kids to wear Ralph Lauren Purple Label. Or maybe you want to live on a specific beach in Spain. It doesn’t matter what it is, this is YOUR life. Make it CRAZY. MAKE IT SO WHEN OTHER PEOPLE LOOK AT THEY BALK AND GO “THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN.”

Keep writing.

Leave nothing out.

Then once you’re done, store that paper (if you wrote on loose-leaf) or close your journal. It won’t feel like much, but you just took the first step to making these dreams a reality. You don’t have to look at what you wrote again (though you should).

What you will find, as the months and years go by is that you will have accomplished some of the things you have written down. You might have even accomplished all of them. Writing things down puts it out into the world what you want and the world does it’s best to make that happen. Opportunities will suddenly open and all you have to do is say “yes.”

Now start writing.

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